Professor Cheng Zhao-Zhi

TCM internal medicine, gynecological expert


Professor Cheng Zhao-Zhi ,a doctoral supervisor, is the chairman of the Department of Chinese Medicine at the UTCM Acupuncture Research and Education College and the UTCM Holistic Medicine Centre. A leading expert in Chinese medicine, Professor Cheng has over 40 years of clinical experience using herbal medications to provide relief from disease in his patients.

Professor Cheng has over 40 years of experience treating over 10,000 patients through the use of Chinese herbs. Throughout his illustrious career, he has served as an expert in herbal medicine, workings as a physician, an advisor, and a professor. With such a diverse background in Chinese medicine, Professor Cheng is able to bring innovative solutions to address conditions in internal medicine, gynecology, and much more.

His area of expertise is in bringing complicated medical cases to satisfying resolutions. Professor Cheng is well-renowned as an experienced physician; however, his patients remember him best for his kindness and effective mode of treatment.


Bachelor degree  in Chinese medicine from the Hubei  UNIVERSITY OF CHINESE MEDICINE

Key Achievements:

  • Published the important treatise “Pathogenesis of Chinese Medicine – From Theory to Clinical Practice,” an important and revolutionary new method of diagnosis
  • Created the the UTCM Chinese Medicine Treatment System,” an effective treatment method that links pathogenesis to treatment and herb formulation to cure disease

Accolades and Associations:

  • Author and editor of 15 books
  • Leading expert and advisor for a renowned local college
  • Published 76 dissertations in reputable medical journals
  • Leader of 7 national and provincial research projects
